Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Now Hiring

I'm looking for a freelance editor to edit my 324 page YA paranormal romance Phantom Fires. I hope to find someone reasonably priced with experience in YA.

If you are interrsted, please send an email to bethfred08 @ gmail.com with "freelance editor" in the subject line. Tell me the last ten books youve read and your five all time favorite books. Include a list of projects you have edited along with the names of the authors and/or a resume.

I appreciate all the responses, but please tell me your favorite books. I know it sounds silly, but I'm looking for someone with a similar reading list. I want the editor to enjoy this gig and be as passionate about the book as I am.


  1. Have you tried E-Lance? It's full of free-lance editors. :-)

  2. Hi -- I just emailed you! But in the process, I noticed that your email address in the post above says "bethfref." I sent the email to "bethfred" instead and hope that it will reach you!


  3. ty for pointing that out

  4. Hi Beth - fellow campaigner here - we're in the same YA group as well. I spotlighted you over on my blog : )

  5. If you find someone great, please be sure and share the info! :-)

  6. Hi Beth! I just emailed you, I would LOVE the opportunity to work on this project, thanks so much for the opportunity to apply.

  7. I applaud your choice to have editors send you their recent and favorite reads. It's a good way to test the waters to see if someone will be a good fit for your project. I hope you're still looking for someone, because I sent you an email.

  8. Beth why dont you contact our company, we can work wonders for you.

  9. Hi Beth - found you through Blog Hop! Sent my mom your link...she edited my book. Paranormal...and she READs EVERYTHING!

  10. This is a great blog and very engaging too. Excellent work ! That’s not really much coming from an amateur publisher like me, but it’s all I could think after enjoying your posts.
