Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Struggle

My debut for full length fiction and YA will be releasing soon. Very soon--like days away soon. Part of me feels like the world is at my finger tips. I got an agent and a book deal and I'm playing with the pros now. But most of me knows it's not enough. (If you're an unpublished writer reader, please don't roll your eyes and get upset. I know how hard it is to get even this far and I'm thankful to have come this far). But nothing humbles like writing. I'm trying to push through my current WIP, so I can revise it and send it to betas and eventually my agent. And things I thought I had learned over the years are obviously still weaknesses. It makes me feel like I will never get *there*. Then there is the fear that comes with the anticipation of a book release. What if it doesn't sell? What happens then? And I used to think getting an agent was the answer, but in the past few weeks I've come across so many multi-published authors who are frustrated because their books aren't selling. They wonder what it means for future contracts. More importantly, they wonder if they will ever make a living writing. I wonder the same thing!

I've been blocked with my current WIP for about a week. I finally gave myself permission to just have fun (for me that usually means writing cute romance scenes) but when I did I couldn't even think of cute romance scenes. I belive Beth's brain is fried. So how are you? Where are you on the journey?


  1. Pre-release is always anxiety-producing. Just know that. :)

  2. Hang in there. You are a writer. You can do this. :)

  3. You wouldn't be human if you didn't have moments of self-doubt. Those beautiful covers on your side banner should remind you that you can do this!

    1. I can do it but that doesn't guarantee success once it's done. LOL

  4. It's natural to doubt yourself...we all do. The only way you "lose" is if you stop writing. You will become a better writer with every project, and so your chance of success goes up. Just do the best you can and keep going. :-)

    1. I know you're right yet sometimes it really doesn't feel like it.

  5. Yes, what everyone else has said. Doubts will sneak in, but you can't really worry about whether the book will sell well or not. Just enjoy writing. Promote as best you can, and enjoy writing. Also, it doesn't hurt to dream about the "big" one that's in the future. Good luck, Beth. Like the little engine that says "I think I can, I think I can ..." You can do it too.

  6. Beth, you have a lot going on. Cut yourself some slack. You know those other things can and will affect your writing. It happens to everyone. Don't sweat it.

    1. Thanks Kelly. I'm hoping I can get this book into shape.

  7. Don't worry too much Beth. SOme thongs we have no control over and book sales are one of them. Do what you can do and keep writing new stories. At least you're out there now and moving forward. It's exciting and nauseating at the same time, I know! ((hugs))

  8. Beth, you can do this! I've seen you grow so much as a writer, and I'm so excited for A MISSING PEACE to come out (and I KNOW I'm not the only one). You just have to have faith, but more than that you've got to keep at it. You know this isn't going to be easy, you knew this when you took this path. Just remember the person who was so close to self publishing this book yet didn't. You've got this. It's going to take time, and it's going to be stressful but you're going to make it. I can't wait to read the rest of your books. I'm having WIP woes as well but I read me some NaNoWriMo pep talks (here's a great one: And though it's hard, I know if I give up, I'll never make it, that one thing is assured. :D *Hugs*

    1. Thank you Patrice. You've always been so supportive.

  9. Best of luck with the release!

    And yeah, I think you need to have fun. Put the book away for a day or two and do stuff you always want to do but can't because you're writing. ;-)

    Me, I'm announcing my soon-to-be-published book's name today.
