Friday, May 27, 2016

Update Day

So. This is a dummy post. I will have my real update post up by 9 a.m. CST tomorrow. I'm drafting like a maniac today to get as close to done with a draft of this book as possible to have something to report.

Tomorrow after I post I'll be around to check blogs.

Love you guys!


  1. Avoid luck with finishing your draft. I'll pop back tomorrow and see how you're getting on.

  2. I wish you well Beth. Good luck with your project! It's already Saturday afternoon in Australia and I've been fully through the Goals list now and only found about 4 or 5 posts. I just wondered whether the list needs culling or does everyone else post really late?

    Denise :-)

  3. Since I'm belated with the post: How did the drafting go, Beth?

    I've just read your essay, and I totally agree - it's probably hard to do the first-go around (because I tend to fast draft), but adding the slice of suspense/intrigue to keep the reader coming back. OR the viewer. How do you think I survive 100+ long telenovelas and Kdramas? ^_^
