Monday, April 28, 2014

Changes to the Blog

Before we get started my next blurb writing class will be in June. You can sing up here. This is the method I used to query with a 50% full request rate and still use to pitch my agent and/or write blurbs for self publishing.

You can probably tell by the header, I'm taking the blog in a new direction. I want to turn it into a resource for romance writers, reviewers, and readers. Assuming blogger ever decides to cooperate (I was up at 4 am to work on this & at 5 it hasn't cooperated) I'm planning to host a page of resources for romance lovers complete with writing resources and where to find good books. It will also host a list of romance writers and bloggers. That's right. If blogger just lets me have a new page or edit an an existing one, you'll be able to permanently promote your author or review blog here for free.

The changes are coming with a new schedule too.
Monday- Romance Roundup This will be covers and synops of books I'm seriously looking forward too. And if you have a new romance coming out, send me a link. If it looks good I'll promote it especially if it's a debut work.
Wednesday- Writing Posts (Speaking of--I have a post on meet cutes at Unicorn Bell today).
Thursday- The World of Romance -updates on important issues in the publishing industry, especially those related to romance
Friday- Meme day. (Follow Friday & The Big Dreams Blogfest).

Do you know of any romance resources that should be included in this endeavor? Do you have ideas on how I can add a page with the new and unimproved blogger?


  1. Hmm, I haven't tried to add a page in a while but it was always so easy to do. I'm not sure why it's giving you trouble, Beth. Sorry to hear that, but the new schedule sounds great.

  2. I think styling your blog into a romance writing/reading resource is a great idea!

    I recently added a page to my blog and didn't have a problem with it, but maybe I don't have the new blogger (if it's very new, I mean)?

  3. Wishing you much good luck with your new romance-themed blog, Beth! :)

  4. Good luck with your troubles with blogger! Wish I could help, but I have no idea :/
