Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Mishmash

Monday Mishmash was created by Kelly Hashway.

  1. Goals- Yeah. It turns out the week you both start a new job and start packing to move is not the week to go off sugar and write a children's story. There is always next week, I guess? And while we're talking about goals, I learned my university doesn't have summer classes which is going to make getting those classes knocked out much more difficult.
  2. Easy Reader- I want to write an easy reader, but my agent is no longer represent them. Does anyone know of a magazine or anthology I could submit to?
  3. House- I just bought a house Friday. We are moving in this weekend. It seems like things have completely turned around from last spring.

That's me this week. What's up with you?

1 comment:

  1. You can check out FutureWord. They actually have a contest open right now.

    Wishing you all the best on your move and your easy reader. :)
