Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday MIshmash

  1. House- We haven't moved everything out of the apartment yet, but we moved into our house this weekend. I love it! The last time we bought a house, as soon as we moved in we found twenty things we hated about it. This time the opposite happened.
  2. Goals- I've added a new goal to my list for 2015. I want to win a writing contest. 
  3. Hope- Which brings me to number 3. To enter into contests, I need a paperback of Finding Hope. My current cover doesn't work for that, so Hope is getting a facelift. Since we are getting a new cover, I'm going to relaunch it.
  4. Writing Class- If Savvy Authors ever lets me login, I'm registering for a writing class today. Hoepfully, this will help me get my career back on track.
That's me for this week. What's up with you?


  1. It's great that you love your new home. Enjoy. I like entering writing contests. They're lots of fun. Good luck to you with yours. A writing class should do the trick. Have a lovely week, Beth.

  2. I'm glad you love the new house. :) and I'm excited to see Hope's new cover!

  3. So does that mean you found 20 things you love about the new home? Lol. :D
    Seriously though it's great that you and your family love the new place. Moving can be pretty's a big commitment.

    I haven't joined a writing class all last year. I AM going to my first rom conventiion, so that should be fun. They have a few panels on the list, so not quite a workshop but hopefully I can come away with some writing techniques to practice and test out.

    As for this week, just trying to choose (and stick to!) a story idea.

    And I second Kelly above on seeing the new cover for 'Finding Hope'.

  4. Congrats on your new house! I hope to be in your position soon, finding a house I love.

    Looking forward to seeing your new cover!

  5. Good luck with the writing class! I haven't taken one in a while. I love how they challenge me. I'll look into something, too. Thanks for the inspiration!
