Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday Mishmash

Monday Mishmash is hosted by Kelly Hashway.

  1. Anthology- It's happening. In a couple of weeks, I will register Sweets Enterprises as a business and there are some awesome authors who are in the anthology. I cannot wait to announce the names.
  2. Novella- So I'm about half way through a Hope prequel I plan to make free on Amazon as soon as it's ready.
  3. Decree of Hope-  Woohoo! This book hit the lists last week and it will be free through Wednesday. If you enjoy it, please leave an Amazon review.
  4. Balance- I've got to figure out a work/writing/family time balance. No idea how though.
  5. Debilitating Insecurity- Speaking of time, I spent most of Saturday staring at a computer screen willing words to come that just didn't. I was too afraid of getting it wrong. I have got to find a way around that.

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